A few notes from NPD Chief

Bill Creech, Nashville Chief of Police

A few notes from NPD Chief
Who thinks about the children?  Our children are being killed at an alarming rate.  All too often, AFTER one is killed, people come forth telling of abuse and neglect that they’ve seen or knew about.  Who cares – parents, family, friends, neighbors, law enforcement, medical, DSS?  Who cares enough or does enough to protect them?  Do the names Shaniya Davis and Zahra Baker mean anything to you?  After both were killed, people came out and said they knew there was abuse and neglect in the homes.  In the case of Zahra Baker, people said they did report the abuse but for some reason unknown to me, nothing or not enough was done to protect her.  In even more recent days, we have seen cases where children were severely burned in hot water and even more cases of them being killed by parents. We all need to be more accountable for what we do or do not do to protect our children.  Get involved.

Most of you have seen that the construction work has started in downtown Nashville.  Please be alert when driving in that area.  Also, be careful when walking as some areas of the sidewalk are being torn up.  The construction company is doing a good job of barricading the work areas but you should still use caution.  Hopefully, there will be little interference with traffic but please be patient at those times when you are delayed or detoured.

Nashville Police Department will be joining with the Governor’s Highway Safety Program and other agencies in the upcoming “Booze It & Lose It” campaign.  This campaign runs from December 3, 2010 until January 2, 2011.  Drinking and driving is never a good thing.  Many, many lives are lost or ruined by drunk drivers.  If you are drinking, please have a designated driver, call a cab, a friend or stay home.  Driving drunk can cost you more than your drivers license and a lot of money, it can cost you your life, that of a loved one or another innocent person.  If you cause an accident that kills someone else, that’s something you will have to live with the rest of your life.  It’s simple – Don’t Drink and Drive. 

Please stay safe and remember “We Serve to Protect”